Girma Wolde-Giorgis:”Assab belongs to the Afar and Afars are Ethiopians”

SBS Radio Former Ethiopian President Girma W/Giorgis on SBS radio says: ” Now Assab is in the hands of Eritreans, but it shouldn’t be like that because Assab belongs to the Afar and Afars are Ethiopians. . . Afars can’t

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Girma Wolde-Giorgis:”Assab belongs to the Afar and Afars are Ethiopians”


Former Ethiopian President Girma W/Giorgis on SBS radio says:

” Now Assab is in the hands of Eritreans, but it shouldn’t be like that because Assab belongs to the Afar and Afars are Ethiopians. . . Afars can’t be Eritreans, they were free people from Ethiopian side . . .”

Listen here from SBS Radio

This is what he said in 2002/1994 ETH

Source:People Daily

Last updated at: (Beijing Time) Tuesday, April 09, 2002

Ethiopian President Not Supports Acquiring of Assab Port

Ethiopian President Girma Wolde-Giorgis has expressed his disagreement to acquire Assab portby saying that the issue raised by some parties under the cover that Ethiopia is a land locked country should not have connection with the Ethio-Eritrea border demarcation.
Ethiopian President Girma Wolde-Giorgis has expressed his disagreement to acquire Assab portby saying that the issue raised by some parties under the cover that Ethiopia is a land locked country should not have connection with the Ethio-Eritrea border demarcation.In a recent interview with local newspaper issued on Monday, the president noted the measures taken by the incumbent governmentwith regard to Assab “are correct and consistent with principles.”In his first public remark on the issue of border demarcation since he took the post of president last year, Girma said, “you cannot claim that something is not yours and go to war.”

Accepting peacefully the ruling of the Hague tribunal due to beannounced later would enable the country to accelerate its economic development, he stressed.

Economic development and social transformation are unthinkable in the absence of peace and stability, he said, adding that Ethiopians should pool their ideas and resources to reduce the level of poverty in the country.

The Boundary Commission is expected to declare the border demarcation on April 13, and some Ethiopian opposition parties have launched rallies in some cities of the country to protest against the coming decision, saying the Assab port in Eritrea should be returned to Ethiopia.

Demanding Assab port means derecognizing the sovereignty of Eritrea and thereby violating the U.N. charter which strictly prohibits and condemns any attempt at forcible occupation of an independent state’s territory.


Oromo Ethiopians celebrate #BoycottBedele beer victory

01/03/2014 Heineken-owned beer company drops sponsorship of Ethiopian pop star Teddy Afro amid protests from country’s largest ethnic group. Members of Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group are celebrating online after the Heineken beer companyannounced that its Ethiopian franchise would cancel sponsorship of

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Ethiopia music sponsorship update

HEINEKEN press release Ethiopia music sponsorship update On 20 December 2013, HEINEKEN Ethiopia announced a sponsorship agreement between the Bedele Special brand and the Ethiopian artist Teddy Afro. HEINEKEN Ethiopia regrets that they will disappoint those who were looking forward to

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Ethiopia music sponsorship update

HEINEKEN press release Ethiopia music sponsorship update On 20 December 2013, HEINEKEN Ethiopia announced a sponsorship agreement between the Bedele Special brand and the Ethiopian artist Teddy Afro. HEINEKEN Ethiopia regrets that they will disappoint those who were looking forward to

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Gulf States Seek Food Security in Europe, U.S. After African Problems

REUTERS ABU DHABI — The desert states of the Gulf are changing tack in their multi-billion dollar search for food security. With their farming projects in some of the poorest African nations sometimes arousing local hostility, wealthy Arab investors are

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Daniel Berhane:(ከሚታመን ምንጭ) ያገኘነውንና መጽሔቱ ቆርጦ ያስቀረውን የቴዲ አፍሮ ቃለ-ምልልስ ያካተተ ከዚህ በታች አቅርበነዋል

ይህን ይደፍጥጡ danielberhane (Daniel Berhane) ዕንቁ የተሰኘው መፅሔት ለአፄ ምኒሊክ ሰፊ ሽፋን የሰጠበትን ያለፈውን ወር ዕትም ሽፋን ገጽ ላይ ‹‹ምኒልክ ኢትዮጵያን አንድ ለማድረግ የገቡበት ጦርነት ለእኔ ቅዱስ ጦርነት ነው›› የሚል የቴዲ አፍሮ(ቴድሮስ ካሳሁን) አስተያየት በማስፈር ለኢሜይል ደንበኞቹ ማሰራጨቱ – ዘግይቶ ግን

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